Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

Conservative Religious Group, The Family, Gets Bitch Slapped

For a long time now people have been discussing some of the outrageous things that The Family, also known as The Fellowship, stands for.  Every year they hold a National Prayer Breakfast where even politicians get involved as a few politicians are involved with The Family.  This year it was quite interesting to see President Obama and Hillary Clinton speak up for the human rights of the LGBT which goes against what The Family really wants to abolish and they will go to any length to abolish homosexuals.  This group has also been responsible for the Uganda bill that originally wanted to execute homosexuals.  One of the leaders in Uganda is a member of the Family.

Obama's words were, "Surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are, whether it is here in the United States or… more extremely, in odious laws that are being proposed most recently in Uganda."  Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out commented in a post on the Truth Wins Out website and stated this, "We applaud President Obama for having the courage to confront those responsible for the heinous anti-gay bill in Uganda,” said Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out. “We hope that the President’s laudable stand makes it clear to Family members in the United States and Uganda that the world is watching. Religion can no longer be used to justify bigotry, intolerance and persecution anywhere on the face of the earth."

It is nice to see it's not just me that thinks religion is destroying people.  I've seen it happen many times over and dealt with the prejudices against homosexuality in my own family.  Humanity needs you to do your part to ensure the lives of others matter more than the dictatorship of religions and their leaders.  It is also up to us to educate the ignorant who follow such religions about what homosexuality really is and that it is nothing to be afraid of or dehumanized for.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who Is There To Catch You When You Fall?

Who really is there to catch you when you fall?  Is it a family member, or a friend, maybe even a complete stranger.  Every person that I know of has stumbled at some point in there lives, whether it was something they did or it was something someone else did to cause them to stumble.  We all have been through it.  But who was it, or is it, that picked you up, dusted you off, and sent you on your way.  Without these people it would have been impossible to survive in the kind of world we live in today. 

Even with the little everyday things, sometimes we need help.  I'm going to see the eye doctor soon.  They always dialate my eyes and my eyes get real goofy.  I need someone to drive me, to be there to help me so I don't get in the car and chance hurting someone in the process.  I have my brother to do that for me this time so it's no problem.  But often we don't stop to think about the simple things in life we need help with and if we don't get that help, something worse could happen.  My mother, brother and I moved in together to combine expenses.  I do all the housework and cooking for them.  Neither one of us would survive by ourselves without the other.

People need people, and quite often those other people need us.  We don't need people using hatred and bigotry to teach us what they think is right or wrong.  We know from our own experiences what hurts others and what helps others to be able to survive in such an inhumane world.  We search for those people who understand us and believe in us.  Who know we deserve as much of a right to live in society as they do.  A majority should not rule over a minority, we should be equal.  But we need more people helping us to help others in minorities such as gay rights, etc. to become equal to those who wish to stomp us out from this world all together.

Never be afraid to ask for help, whether it is the small things in life or the big things in life.  Don't be afraid to help where you can because people take notice.  It is our own humanity that saves us from those who wish to harm us.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy In The News Again

Today it has been reported all over the news that Obama wants to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy that bans people from the military, who are gay or lesbian, who open their mouths while serving.  He had promised this at the beginning of his presidency but we had not seen much of any effort on his part in the past year to do something about it.  Once again Obama is promising equal rights to all who serve in the military.  CNN reported today that there could be some sort of decision about it on Tuesday.  Will the government put away its prejudices and give those gays and lesbians serving the dignity they deserve? 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No God In Haiti

For over two weeks now I have watched so much footage of Haiti's destruction and the death the deadly earthquake there had caused.  The death toll is higher now than the day of the quake because of people being too ill and injured that have not received the proper care after the disaster and died waiting for it.  Recently I have been seeing so many people who get rescued claiming they are giving thanks to God for sparing their lives and pulling them out of this and I get really frustrated.

Why do I title this post "No God In Haiti"?  Because, from my viewpoint there wasn't one there that day to save many of those people who died, including children, that have lived the very same type of life that maybe those who had survived it thank the very same God for sparing their own life that did not spare others lives who were just the same as them.

So many people are waiting for help.  More help has arrived, but more help is needed.  How does help arrive?  Who sends these people to help?  And when help arrives for the people of Haiti, who gives them the help that they need?  God is not in Haiti.  In fact, if anyone is to acknowledge God in Haiti it should be to tell him he is responsible for all those lives lost.  The ones who are just as innocent, or guilty, as those lives over there that have been saved from this disaster.

Give thanks to whatever human kindness is shown, but don't give thanks to a God you might believe in that has proven himself time and time again to be irresponsible over the lives of human beings.  If you believe in him, hold him responsible and give credit where credit is due.